A yearly event developed by Aman Space, where we collaborate with artists & amazing local thinkers to develop and form a 2 week long art residency.
All workshops are conducted in Arabic and developed by local artists. These artists usually get their inspiration from subjects related to safe spaces, consent, social structures, and gender expression. The artists/facilitators have full agency over the way their preferred topic{s} is approached within their respective workshops and according to their individual practices.
Aman intends for the residency to help aspiring artists develop their skills and produce art to express their views on the mentioned subjects. The program agenda consists of workshops, talks, screenings as well as regular mentoring, research excursions, and other activities planned by the facilitators. Participants will have the chance develop and present projects over the course of the program.
Upon completion of each residency, the projects are displayed as part of a concluding exhibition that takes place at the space and is open to the public.